Latitude Rocks

by Emily

It’s taken a while to  float down to earth after Stone Circles at Latitude Festival.


We decorated the trees with a Green Man and Green Lady, made by the talented Leila Nihill.


She added cut outs of people on grass to encourage people to take a break and relax.


We put 300 stones in the circles, leaving a sign with the simple message, ‘Add a stone, share a stone, take a stone.’


And people did. Over 300 people took stones and 600+ painted them.


There were family groups and people meditating alone; people exchanged phone numbers (and I witnessed others calling or texting them).


Some people spent ages perfecting their designs.



Others showed their love with, ‘EG 4 JS’ style messages.


Thanks to Simone Nihill and Jason Hamilton Smith for helping Leila and I create the Stone Circles; and Tania and the Latitude production team who made the event a joy to work. And if you added a stone to the Stone Circles, thanks for being part of the art.
